
  • Fallout 4 Texture Mods
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 24. 03:29
    Fallout 4 Texture Mods

    DEFUIIt's not quite SkyUI for Skyrim, but it's miles better than the UI vanilla Fallout 4 provides. Fully customizable, packed with additional on-screen information, and much more useful and readable than the standard UI, this mod is a must for anyone and everyone playing Fallout 4. Diamond City EnhancedDiamond City is, let's face it, a bit disappointing.

    It simply doesn't feel like the bustling hub of survivors it should. This mod adds lots of additional details like trees and grass, lighting along alleys, new pathways, and more to both provide a lived-in feel and the sense that the city is growing. Seasons ProjectEven as days and weeks pass, the world of Fallout 4 is unchanging. The Seasons Project beautifully alters that, letting you choose the time of year you'd like to play in. It provides colorful leaves for autumn, snow on the ground in winter, blooming plants in spring, and bright greens in the summer. Unfortunately the seasons don't cycle automatically, but you can manually change seasons from the mod manager. Cel-Shaded SweetFX/Reshade EMBIf you're a fan of Borderlands-style cel-shading, you can apply it to Fallout 4 for a pretty visual overhaul.

    Fallout 4 Texture Mods

    Fallout 4 Texture Mods Reddit

    Experience the wasteland like you've never seen it before with the Fallout 4 High-Resolution Texture Pack! From the blasted buildings of Lexington to the shores. The official site for Bethesda, publisher of Fallout, DOOM, Dishonored, Skyrim, Wolfenstein, The Elder Scrolls, more. Your source for news, features & community. Sep 3, 2017 - If you have the NMM ( nexus mod manager) installed AND running, you also need to be logged in to Fallout 4 Nexus through the mod manager.

    Best Fallout 4 Mods


    Reddit user 'Redditiswrong' started out using a SweetFX preset for Fallout 4 and adjusted the.ini file to give it those thick edges and comic page look. To bring that style to life in your own game. Vivid WeathersIf every day feels a bit same-y, here are 75 new weather variations, plus over a hundred new cloud textures. You'll notice the difference with enhanced sunrays, prettier sunsets, and new sound effects when it rains. Who says the end of the world can't be lovely? This mod provides a convincing dynamic depth of field that changes depending on what you're looking at. There's a documentary-length video above you can watch above to see how it works, and in an extremely clever touch you can edit the mod settings while in-game by inserting a holotape in your Pip-Boy and fiddling with the settings.

    Fallout 4 Texture Mods Xbox One

    Valentine RebornYour favorite android detective gets an HD makeover, and doesn't he deserve it? He's just so cool. You can use this mod to give Nick Valentine upgraded teeth, eyes, facial textures, and it also comes with an option to upgrade his exposed synthetic hand. True StormsMore intense rain, dust storms, sheet lightning, heavy fog, radioactive rain, new sounds both outdoors and indoors, and storms that last longer. This mod will enhance your game with more extreme weather. It even comes with a custom installer that lets you easily choose the options you want.


    Improved Map with Visible RoadsLet's face it: Fallout 4's Pip-Boy map kinda sucks. This mod makes the map actually useful, with clearly visible roads, train tracks, topography, distinct waterlines, better placement of map markers, optional numbered gridlines, and even the option to number regions. It also has three brightness settings to fine-tune your map-gazing.FPS Dynamic ShadowsPredefined shadow rendering in Fallout 4 can cause performance loss, even on high-end machines, especially in areas with a high number of objects. Modder extraordinaire Alexander Blade whipped up this plugin to allow players to dynamically control shadow draw distance based on their desired FPS. Stars Texture OverhaulStars have been upgraded from 1K to 4K resolution, making them brighter, crisper, and even giving them a bit of a glimmer when you're moving around the wasteland. You can choose from a few different versions of the mod, one which adds a few bigger and brighter stars, making the sky a little more interesting in the evenings.

    The same modder. Enhanced Wasteland PresetWhile the look of Fallout 4 is certainly more colorful and less greenish than Fallout 3 was, it's still a bit washed out.

    This ReShade/SweetFX preset brings more color an vibrancy to the surface. You can check out, which demonstrate that the changes aren't especially drastic but still make the colors pop quite a bit more. Stalker LightingOn the other hand, maybe you don't think the post-apocalypse should be quite so vibrant and colorful. Stalker Lighting bleeds away the colors, making the world look more harsh, more unforgiving, more bleak. It is the end of the world, after all. Now it'll actually look like it.

    Vivid LandscapesClose up, many of the textures in Fallout 4 aren't exactly breathtaking, which you've probably noticed if, like me, you carefully creep through the game instead of racing across it at top speed. A modder is working hard on increasing the detail of the landscape textures to make your jaunt through the wilderness a little lovelier.

    Darker NightsIf you want your Fallout 4 nights to feel more like real nights, you'll want this mod. Giving you a choice of seven different nighttime settings, it'll make your evenings either a bit darker or utterly pitch black. Interiors will also be darker at night if they're not well-illuminated by lights. Tread carefully. Rain of BrassThis mod makes shell casings from firefights visible from greater distances (500 meters) and stay where they fall for longer (an hour). It's not a big change, but it adds a little realism to the game. After a big fight, the ground would be littered with shell casings, and now it will be.

    It might go nicely with and visible at greater distances. FO4 RainSpeaking of rain, someone has retextured Betheda's somewhat wimpy and barely visible raindrops. Now the droplets are thicker and chunkier, making you feel much more like you're in a post-apocalyptic downpour. The ripples caused when the raindrops hit water have also been retextured.

    You can.On the next page, some mods to enhance your gameplay. Table of contents.

    Fallout 4 Texture Mods
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